Hope, Even in Darkness
Guest Speaker: the Rev. Michelle Pederson
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Power and Wisdom
In our UU tradition, we strive to "put love at the center;" our society as a whole appears to hold power as its central and highest value. Wisdom lies somewhere in between, but where exactly? And what is the wise response when we see and feel power abused? Let's look into this together.
Speaker: the Rev. Peter Connolly
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
God is Everything
Pantheism is the belief that God and the Universe are the same things rather than separate things. In other words: "God is all and all is God". This doctrine equates God with the forces and natural laws of the Universe.
Speaker: Javonni Burchett
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Science Isn’t Just for Scientists
Speaker: Laura McGee
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Frederick Douglass: Fashioning Hope from Despair in Trying Times
Fugitive slave, abolitionist, orator, preacher, journalist, editor, writer, and statesman, Frederick Douglass wore many hats in his lifetime to help a nation find meaning in moments of crisis, becoming, in the process, an important symbol of his age. Grounded in a combination of secular and religious ideas and drawn to Unitarianism, Douglass's outlook and interpretation of America's passage from slavery to freedom remains instructive for the current moment.
Guest Speaker: Dr. Andrew Rosa
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
All Soul’s Day - Please join in the end-of-the-year ritual as we mourn and celebrate those who have passed on. You're invited to bring a picture or token of them for the memorial altar.
Winter Solstice Spiral
Come walk a spiral path in this evening service of music and candlelight. Children are welcome! The ceremony will run twice: 5 pm and 7pm
Putting Your Whole Self In
A commitment -- to a career, a religion, a relationship, or an exercise program -- shapes our lives. What have you committed to? What is worthy of your time?
Speaker: Janeen Grohsmeyer
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Embracing Unity in the Age of Change
Speaker: Clancy Kiener
Embracing and understanding ourselves allows us to truly understand others, fostering a sense of unity and connection.
Due to bad weather, the service is held via Zoom and then uploaded to YouTube later.
Get Ready - the New Year Beckons
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Deane Oliva
It's been a turbulent yearfor most. We will ritualize letting go of last year and turn our attention to what centers us and moves us forward.
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Our traditional Illumination Sunday includes walking a spiral path and lighting lots of chalices. All Ages Welcome! If you have a chalice or special candle, please bring it to this celebration.
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Winter Solstice Spiral
Come walk a spiral path in this evening service of music and candlelight. Children are welcome! The ceremony will run twice: 5 pm and 7pm
The Guest At Your Table
Since it began in 1975, the Guest at Your Table program has introduced generations of Unitarian Universalists to our grassroots partners working for justice around the world with your support. This church year, we are celebrating Guest at Your Table’s 50th anniversary with the theme “Expanding the Welcome Table.”
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Freedom As Liberating Love
Guest Speaker: Rev Renee Ruchotzke (recorded)
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
World AIDS Day with HuDost
HuDost returns to share their magical musical talent, and their activism with the One Campaign on this World AIDS Day remembrance.
The service is livestreamed and stored on YouTube
Gratitude as a Way of Life
Guest speaker Aaron English
What if we lived in the spirit of Thanksgiving each & every day? Musical guest Aaron English returns to talk (and sing) about seeing the world through the lens of gratefulness.
Climate Justice
As we honor Native American Heritage Month, and reckon with devastating climate change, what can we learn from Indigenous Peoples? Are we ready to explore Green Sanctuary 2030, and live out our commitment to Mother Earth? Join the discussion.
Speaker: Charlie Barman
For Such a Time As This
A call to whatever action your heart is guiding you to take to make the world just a little bit better. Or maybe to save your whole nation, who knows? We'll explore the Hebrew story of Esther, and see if we find ourselves anywhere in it.
A time to gather
Please join us for quiet time, candles, music, and reflections.
Please join in the end-of-the-year ritual as we mourn and celebrate those who have passed on. You're invited to bring a picture or token of them for the memorial altar.
On Listening to Life
In what ways could our lives be changed if we made a commitment to explore how our own experiences can be a source of deep wisdom when navigating life’s big questions or decisions? In this service, we will consider how paying close attention to the patterns, challenges, and joys of our lives can guide us toward clarity and discernment. Together, we'll seek to cultivate the practice of listening to our lives as a sacred source of insight and direction.
Speaker: Rachel Rogers
Food for Thought: One Person, One Vote?
Come and join in this free FOOD FOR THOUGHT event (a meal, a movie, and a discussion). All are welcome!
5pm - Meal
6pm - One Person, One Vote? The Untold Story of the Electoral College
7pm - Discussion
"One Person, One Vote?" offers viewers a complex and nonpartisan understanding of the Electoral College that was created in a bygone time, while also highlighting the connective tissue that links then and now. The urgent and timely questions we’re grappling with today are not separate and apart from our past, but are directly informed by it.
The event is free, but please register so we can plan for the food.
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Imagination in Faith
Let’s explore the role imagination plays in how we think of and treat one another. How can we use our imaginations toward the liberation of all people?
Native Plant Sale by Wild Ones & UUCBG Bake Sale
UUCBG is an affiliate member of Wild Ones, an organization dedicated to the preservation of our local ecosystem by encouraging the cultivation of native plants. Native plants are essential for the sustenance of our native birds and insects. Many species of plants will be for sale - a rare opportunity for our area!
BAKE SALE - While you are here, you can pick up some Baked goodies made by the members of our congregation.
The Spiritual Music of Zimbabwe
Come explore musical spirituality through the lens of the Shona people of Zimbabwe.
Bowling Green Zen Community
Ground Floor of Fellowship Hall, UUCBG. Enter in the side door facing the parking lot and go down the stairs/ elevator.
For more info, check out https://bgzen.org/
Imperfect Beauty
There is beauty and humility in imperfection. Presented by Ryan Thomas
Bowling Green Zen Community
Ground Floor of Fellowship Hall, UUCBG. Enter in the side door facing the parking lot and go down the stairs/ elevator.
For more info, check out https://bgzen.org/
Sisters on the Bridge - Islamic Art of Empathy and Resilience
Come experience the beauty of Islamic art, music & culture.
FREE! You may attend the workshop, the dinner, or both.
Space is limited, so reservations are required. Please Register by Thursday, September 19.
Dr. Miwon Choe, Compassion as the humanities light
Imam Sedin Agic, Islamic Center of Bowling Green
Dr. Hussein and Dr. Bird- Islamic garden, its history and significance, and the spiritual relationship to Islamic Iconography reflected in the metal work and its process.
3:30 - 4:00 pm: Workshop participants arrive at UUC, pick up supplies, afternoon tea, and get to know each other.
4:00 - 4:30 pm: Sister on the Bridge project overview
4:30 - 6:00 pm: Hands on workshop begins and continues.
6:00 - 6:50 pm: Dinner and refreshments served. Workshop participants may continue the work or take a break before the conclusion.
7:00 - 7:30 pm: Brief sharing of the "Sisters on the Bridge" experience, reflection, and conclusion.
Our Tide of the Spirit; Our Faith as a Living Tradition
As Unitarian Universalists we are not strangers to change. In this service we will explore what it means to invite change specifically into our faith journeys and movements? How does this shape our lives? Together we will celebrate what it means to be part of a living tradition. Presented by Rachel Rogers
Bowling Green Zen Community
Ground Floor of Fellowship Hall, UUCBG. Enter in the side door facing the parking lot and go down the stairs/ elevator.
For more info, check out https://bgzen.org/
Earth Circle
Earth Circle ~ Eclectic Earth-Centered Spirituality
12:45 on Second Sundays
Join the FB group - facebook.com/groups/uucbgearthcircle/
Building Community, Nurturing Spirituality
What are we creating here at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Bowling Green? For ourselves and our broader community? And how do we do it? Learn about how we serve, welcome and provide spiritual nurturing to community members, friends and members right here at home in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Presented by the Church Leadership Council
Website Calendar
UUCBG Community Calendar (google)
This Google Calendar is managed by the Office Manager